SEA-EU is much more than what happens within the walls of the university. The cities and their social and business fabric are also SEA-EU. Ports, municipalities, companies, research centers, NGOs and many more. We all co-create this innovative, inclusive and excellent future. That is why we work to create collaborative spaces where different stakeholders can participate.

The Marketplace tool enables researchers to connect with industry experts, and vice versa, fostering partnerships that can lead to valuable collaborations and joint research projects.

Discover all the activities and initiatives carried out whithin SEA-EU and offered to the full society. Marketplace, Transformation Labs or the European Researchers Night among many others.

Three reflective workshops with scientists from all partner universities will help to clarify the difference in understanding of the notion of transdisciplinarity, to share personal experience in stakeholder interactions, and to identify potential overlaps between science communication and outreach.

Discover several pilot activities undertaken by six universities involved in the project reSEArch-EU: University of Cádiz (Spain), University of Western Brittany (UBO) in Brest (France), University of Kiel (Germany), University of Gdańsk (Poland), University of Split (Croatia) and University of Malta (Malta).

Periodic advancements in Open Reports make it possible to demonstrate to all stakeholders and society at large the progress the project is producing.



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