Marine Modules

Marine Open Elective Modules 

The SEA-EU Marine Open Elective Modules foster virtual student mobility, international learning and collaboration in interdisciplinary marine and maritime sciences. They are hosted and piloted in collaboration with the interdisciplinary Master School of Marine Sciences (iMSMS) at Kiel University.
We bring together master students and teaching scientists from ocean-related study programmes of our SEA-EU partner universities. You will have the chance to connect and collaborate with fellow marine enthusiasts, to get in contact with scientists from many different marine and maritime research fields, and to broaden your horizon by learning about current ocean issues from an international, multidisciplinary standpoint.

Added value

  • Enrich your studies with an international component
at home.
  • Benefit from the thematic diversity of our virtual open elective modules and identify your individual
field of interest.
  • Get to know people and ocean-related research areas
of our SEA-EU alliance and establish first contact for your next (physical) mobility to come – a study abroad semester, an international research internship, a Blended Intensive Program (BIP), or even a joint
master thesis project.
  • And last, but not least: enjoy the open mindset and cultural diversity in global ocean science learning!

How does it work?

  • Our virtual open elective modules are an activity based on the principle of reciprocity: Each partner opens existing marine open elective modules targeted to master students in marine sciences to master students enrolled in marine study programmes at the partner universities (reserving a few places for SEA-EU master students).


    • For information on how to register for each module offered, please see the links below for the upcoming modules.
    • Places for joining our modules are limited and distributed on a first-come-first-serve-basis.
    • After successful completion of a module (regular attendance and pass in final examination) you will receive a certificate of participation incl. ECTS. These ECTS can be recognized in the electives section of your curriculum. For confirmation of this recognition please contact your study programme advisor beforehand! You can also  take a module as an additional output. It will be listed in your official academic transcript of records. 

Conditions of enrolment: 

  • The module offers are meant for SEA-EU Alliance Universities’ master students in marine sciences: Registration is only considered if made with a valid institutional email address.
  • By applying to any of the modules you agree that your data (name, affiliation, email) will be passed on to the module instructor and the corresponding universities’ entity in case your application is confirmed.
  • A certificate of participation including ECTS will be issued, upon successful examination of the module.
  • Registration is binding; if you received a place in a module and changed your mind, please inform us asap about your cancellation (!!!) so that other applicants can get the chance to participate.
  • We strengthen our alliance by coordinating and maintaining an up-to-date list of our virtual open electives in marine sciences. Thereby, SEA-EU master students can access all the information needed for enrolment into these shared online courses here centrally. The platform/list is updated regularly as new modules become available.
  • We are looking forward to your registration!

Upcoming Modules

Maritime and Environmental Law: theory and practice

The main objective of this one day module is to teach about the ship pollution and the socio-legal approach to marine plastic pollution (lecture part in the morning) as well as to practise the participatory principle in Environmental Law at European level in an in-depth exercise part (in the afternoon).

  • Partner/Lecturer: UBO/Dr HDR Adélie Pomade in collaboration with UNIST
  • Mode : Hybrid
  • Course type : Lectures (8:30 – 12:30 CEST) and exercise (13:30 – 16:30). The two parts can be followed independent of each other.
  • Target audience: Master students
  • Register by 29 September
15th Oct 2024

The full course description can be downloaded here:


Global Ocean Governance Framework and Managing our Relations with the Ocean

The main objective of the module is to be able to identify current ocean governance scenarios and their global and regional challenges, as well as to critically describe overarching ocean governance issues, including the maritime areas of jurisdiction and control. Additionally, the main EU Directives concerning marine environmental protection will be taught.

  • Partner/Lecturer: UM/Prof. Alan Deidun in collaboration with the International Ocean Institute (IOI)
  • Mode : Hybrid
  • Course type : Lectures, seminars and an independent study project as well as one fieldtrip on 14th Nov 11-13:00 CET (ONLY for those onsite in Malta! NOT possible for virtual participants!

Application deadline 31 October 2024

7th – 14th November 2024 (6 days intensive module) with lectures/seminars from 09:00-13:00 CET in the mornings and from 14:15-16:00/15:30/16:30 CET in the afternoons. Coffee break from 10:30-11:00. Lunch break from 13:00-14:15 CET. Find the detailed schedule in the document below.

Full module description available to download here:


Metal Contaminants – Metals in the Ocean

The module provides a comprehensive insight into the topic of marine metal contaminants. Students will study the transport, fate, and speciation of metals, alongside bioavailability, bioaccumulation, and detoxification mechanisms. A key focus is on the impact of activities such as deep-sea mining and ocean alkalinity enhancement.

Application deadline: 6 October 2024


Partner / Lecturer: CAU / Prof. Sylvia Sander

Mode: Hybrid

Course dates: 15 Oct – 17 Dec, hybrid live seminars each Tues, 15:30-17:30 CEST/CET

15th Oct to 17th Dec 2024

Full course description available for download here:



Seafloor Mapping School 

The GEOMAR-iMAGE CREATE Seafloor Mapping School provides training in remote predictive geological mapping techniques with a focus on seafloor geology and GIS application. Application closed.

 16th – 27th September 2024

The GEOMAR-iMAGE CREATE Seafloor Mapping School provides intensive introductory training in seafloor geology and remote predictive geological mapping techniques. Students are introduced to data compilation and integration, accessing data repositories, how to process different data sets such as multibeam bathymetry and geophysical data, how to set up map projects in a GIS with the relevant data management tools and editors, and how to interpret the compiled data in terms of the geological attributes of the seafloor. Students learn how to construct a geological map legend, create relevant map layers, including regional time-stratigraphic models, and undertake geodynamic reconstructions of large areas of the oceans.
The first four days of the Mapping School are an introduction to marine geology and seabed mapping. The remaining 5-6 days consist of practical exercises, lectures, and discussions.

Application Deadline: 14 July 2024

Course Type: On-line lectures and practical exercises with GIS. Independent work on the mapping project and report writing is expected.

Participation: 10 days x 6-8 hrs/day.


Click here to go to course webpage

Click here to download full course description.

In collaboration with the interdisciplinary Master School of Marine Sciences (iMSMS) at Kiel University.