
Micro-credentials are small learning units worth 1-5 ECTS that can be taken as elective courses as part of your degree program. They will transport you on short virtual trips across Europe, giving you the chance to learn with students from other Alliance universities and equipping you with future skills and competencies for a changing world. Micro-credentials are organised jointly by the Alliance partners.

Intercultural Learning through Virtual Collaboration: Exploring real-world challenges in multicultural teams

In today’s interconnected world, intercultural understanding and collaboration have become vital skills for individuals and organizations alike. This seminar aims to explore project-based learning while promoting intercultural understanding through virtual collaboration. During this online seminar, you will be working in teams on a real-world challenge with students from other international universities, some of who belong to 
the SEA-EU alliance.

23 April 2024 – 09 July 2024


  • Online seminar via Zoom
  • ECTS-Credits: 5
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Open for students of all faculties, suitable for ERASMUS/exchange students and for students of the SEA-EU Alliance
  • Examination requirement: Learning porIolio (Group presentations and a reflective essay)
  • Lecturer: Prabhpreet Chadha-Gebauer, Kiel University
  • Expected class size: 20

Course description:

In today’s interconnected world, intercultural understanding and collaboration have become vital skills for individuals and organizations alike. This seminar aims to explore project-based learning while promoting intercultural understanding through virtual collaboration. During this online seminar, you will be working in teams on a real-world challenge with students from other international universities, some of who belong to the SEA-EU alliance. We will delve into the concept of challenged-based learning (CBL) and see how it provides a framework to tackle real-world challenges (such as those pertaining to cultural diversity, migration, gender equality, sustainability etc.) on- or off-campus. In teams, you will actively explore resources, interview non-academic partners and make informed decisions, thus developing autonomy, self-direction, and a sense of responsibility for your own learning. In the end you will present your project results including a possible solution to the chosen challenge during the final session. The international character of the seminar aims to promote a deeper appreciation for diverse perspectives, enhance your critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills while finding possible solutions for the chosen real-world problem. For more information on challenge-based learning (CBL) please go to: https://www.challengebasedlearning.org

Learning objectives:

  • Students will…
    • enhance their intercultural communication skills by understanding and reflecting the impact of their own cultural background, values and assumptions on their behavior in intercultural settings
    • understand the benefits of challenge-based learning in solving real-world
    problems and analyze its effectiveness in fostering critical thinking, decision
    making and problem-solving skills
    • conduct interviews with non-academic partners to gain international insights on the chosen challenge
    • develop co-creation skills and evaluate the effectiveness and/or challenges of cocreation in fostering diverse perspectives, creativity and synergy within
    multicultural team


Mandatory first meeting: April 10, 2024 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m., online via Zoom
Online meetings on the following Tuesdays:
23.4.2024 10:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (CET)
30.4.2024 10:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (CET)
07.5.2024 10:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (CET)
14.5.2024 10:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (CET)
21.5.2024 10:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (CET)
18.6.2024 10:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (CET)
09.7.2024 10:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (CET)
Note: Apart from the 7 online sessions, some sessions will be digital self-study or sessions where teams will be required to organize themselves for project work

(for any questions regarding the course schedule, please contact the course lecturer : chadha-gebauer@zfs.uni-kiel.de)


Application link here
Application deadline: April 9th 2024
All ACCEPTED participants will receive further course information after April 9th 2024.
Please check your E-mail account regularly

Think global, act local – the Inner Development Goals in practice

This seminar is designed to accompany you on a 12-week learning journey to help you find your way, to explore different perspectives and practices of inner work within the framework of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs). Developed from a research project, the IDGs initiative has co-creation at its center with ongoing development and input from more and more experts, scientists, practitioners and organisations around the world: https://www.innerdevelopmentgoals.org

April 18, 2024 – July 11, 2024

Students will reflect on their individual understanding of personal  sustainability and learn about the various dimensions and challenges of shaping a sustainable future through inner work. Through dialogue with local service learning partners, they learn about local and practical opportunities for action. Project ideas will be developed and can be taken into further service learning or social entrepreneurship courses within the SEA-EU


  • Online course, 60% self-regulated learning (individual, in pairs, learning circles), 40% seminar or learning coaching time
  • ECTS-Credits: 2.5
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Open for students of all levels, suitable for ERASMUS/exchange students and for students of the SEA-EU Alliance
  • 4x 90min meetings in zoom, individual learning coaching sessions (need-based)
  • Lessons: Kick-off meeting:
    Thursday, April 18, 2024, 08:30-10:00 CET
    Interim meeIng:
    Thursday, May 23, 2024, 08:30-10:00 CET
    NGOs market place:
    Thursday, May 30, 2024, 08:30-10:00 CET
    Closing meeting:
    Thursday, July 11, 2024, 08:30-10:00 CET
    optional: weekly inner work pracIce sessions (with guests)
    All meetings will be online.
  • Expected class size: 20
  • Lecturer: Frauke Godat, Division of Teaching Development, Kiel University

Course description:

This seminar is designed to accompany you on a 12-week learning journey to help you find your way, to explore different perspectives and practices of inner work within the framework of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs). Developed from a research project, the IDGs initiative has co-creation at its center with ongoing development and input from more and more experts, scientists, practitioners and organisations around the world: https://www.innerdevelopmentgoals.org

Learning objectives:

Since self-regulated learning is at the core of this course, students will chose their individual learning goals from the SEA-EU micro-credentials Future Skills Framework.

Student activities within the course:

  • Self-study (individual, pairs, circles)
  • weekly e-learning chapters in the online learning path, individual learning coaching sessions with lecturer IDGs (weekly) practice sessions
  • exploring practices to support inner sustainability
  • Seminar sessions
  • individual and group reflection exercises to support and adjust personal learning processes
  • meeting local NGO partners from different SEA-EU universities to generate project ideas

Attendance policy
Regular attendance and a minimum of 3 compulsory individual learning coaching sessions

E-learning portfolio (written/oral), ungraded

Required literature
Will be provided during the course


Application link here

Application deadline: April 9th 2024

All ACCEPTED parIcipants will receive further course informaIon after April 10th 2024. Please check your student E-mail account regularly.

Academic Writing and Presenting in the Digital Space

Academic text and presentation comprehension: reading/listening process, text/presentation structure, methods for improving comprehension
• Communication effectiveness in the digital space
• Digital tools and software: citation software, editng tools, video conference software
• Argumentation: fundamentals of argumentation, logic and argumentation, providing constructive feedback, moderating discussions.

April – July 2024


  • Online seminar via Zoom
  • Dates: April 2024 – July 2024 (details to follow).
  • ECTS-Credits: 2.5
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Open for students of all faculties, suitable for ERASMUS/exchange students and for students of the SEA-EU Alliance
  • Exam: e-learning porIolio
  • Weekly sessions Wed 10:15 – 11:45 (CET) further details will be provided by your lecturer
  • Lecturer: Joscelyn Ladendorf, Kiel University
  • Expected class size: 20

Course description:

  • Academic text and presentation comprehension: reading/listening process, text/presentation structure, methods for improving comprehension
    • Communication effectiveness in the digital space
    • Digital tools and software: citation software, editng tools, video conference software
    • Argumentation: fundamentals of argumentation, logic and argumentation, providing constructive feedback, moderating discussions

Learning objectives:

  • Establish a foundational understanding of how academic texts, presentations and communication documents are structured
    • Apply different communication and design strategies for various audiences and environments (in-person or online)
    • To self-reflect on one’s communication abilities and provide constructive feedback for other


  • Application link here.
  • Deadline: April 9th 2024
  • All ACCEPTED partcipants will receive further course informaton via E-mail after April 9th 2024. Please check your E-mail account regularly.