
Compatibility with standards
This website has been designed and programmed using the CMS WordPress (, following the guidelines of the WAI 1.0 initiative at its AA level (Web Accessibility Initiative, and using standard formats set by the W3C, which sets international standards for the creation of web content with the intention of being accessible to all, so that it does not exclude those with any type of disability or technological limitations.

Legislative framework
The Spanish legislation on accessibility, which in its Law 34/2002, July 11, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services establishes that public administrations must take the necessary measures to ensure that the information available in their respective Internet sites may be accessible to people with disabilities and elderly people before December 31st, 2005. This law is partially developed by the Royal Decree 1494/2007, November 12, which approves the Regulations on basic conditions for the access of people with disabilities to technologies, products and services related to information society and social media.

The third point of Article 38 of the Law 40/2015, October 1 on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, states:
Each Public Administration shall determine the conditions and instruments for the creation of virtual branches, subject to the principles of transparency, publicity, responsibility, quality, safety, availability, accessibility, neutrality and interoperability. In any case, the identification of the head office of the headquarters must be guaranteed, as well as the means available for the formulation of suggestions and complaints.