SEA-EU Blue Talks is a series of short on-line events focused on the topic of a blue economy organised by the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU). Talks are delivered in the form of a one-hour webinar where an expert in the topic presents the state of play in the specific field and participants are invited to contribute with questions and comments for the Q&A session.


SEA-EU Blue Talks: The Fucosan Project by dr. prof Alexa Klettner

SEA-EU Blue talks: Avan Antia on Ocean sustainability

5th BLUE TALK: Potential for Blue Growth

SEA-EU Blue Talk by Anabela Marques Santos and Karel Haegeman from JRC. COVID tourist behaviour

SEA-EU Blue Talk by Prof. Aldo Drago - Operational Oceanography

SEA-EU Blue Talk by Angela Schultz-Zehden - The Blue bioeconomy

SEA-EU Blue Talk by Margherita Cappelleto - The Blue Economy in the Medditeranean area

SEA-EU Blue Talks: Pedro Mayorga on marine renewable energies

SEA-EU BlueTalk Series: "Citizen science & blue economy", 25.11.22