Due to the potential environmental risks associated with the rapid growth, aviation market is widely indicated to be decarbonized. Moreover, aircraft emit gases and molecules directly into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. These gases and molecules change the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (including CO2, ozone and methane), cause the formation of condensation trails and may increase cirrus cloudiness. Chemical composition of exhaust gases from aircraft turbine engines, as a result of further photochemical reactions taking place in the atmosphere, causes the other negative phenomena like acid rain and photochemical smog. All of this aspects contribute to climate change.
As a result, aviation needs to adapt climate change mitigation solutions. Many actors are trying to influence the growth of sustainable aviation, including European Union, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). All these entities provide recommendations for decarbonizing:
• European Union – ReFuelEU Aviation,
• IATA – Fly Net Zero,
Solutions are focused on sustainable aviation fuels, new technologies, operational efficiency and carbon offset (e.g. Individual voluntary carbon offset programs).