First Seminar of European Degree Label at the University of Algarve

The first seminar of European Degree Label – Criteria and Challenges was held at the University of Algarve on October 7, 2024.

The first session of the event, titled “Project Presentation”, was led by Professor Alexandra Teodósio, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Sustainable Development. She presented an overview of the EDLab project, discussing its significance in the context of European Higher Education and the Erasmus+ EDLab project results.

Then, the second session focused on “Best Practices in Designing a Joint Programme (European Approach)”. Magda Pinheiro, the representative from the University of Minho, discussed the Joint Programme Design under the European Approach.

The third session explored “Best Practices on the Path to European Degree Label Certification” and featured Professor Isabel Cavaco, Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus CHIR program. She addressed the European Degree Label certification process, using the University of Algarve as a case study.

Following a coffee break, the event concluded with a roundtable discussion on the “Advantages of European Experience in Portuguese Higher Education”. The discussion was moderated by Professor Patrícia Pinto, the Pro-Rector of UAlg in SEA-EU Alliance. This round table featured various perspectives:

  • Student Perspective: Rita Tavares, President of AAUAlg (Academic Association of the University of Algarve) and representative of the University of Algarve on the Student Council of SEA-EU European University, shared her experiences and insights on the value of European mobility for students.
  • Faculty Perspective: Professor Clara Costa, Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus EMQUAL program at the University of Algarve, discussed the benefits and challenges from an academic viewpoint.
  • Employer Perspective: João Navalho, Director of Necton, provided insights on the added value of European degree programs in preparing students for the job market and enhancing their employability in regional industries.

The event highlighted the significant benefits of integrating European standards and experiences into Portuguese higher education, emphasizing the importance of international collaboration in fostering a robust academic environment.

The next seminar will be held at the University of Minho on October 11, with Professor Isabel Cavaco representing the University of Algarve as the coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus ChIR master’s program, alongside Marleni Azevedo, the University of Algarve’s International Relations Coordinator.

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