Funding Initiatives

Currently, there are no open calls for funding. Please keep an eye on this page for updates and upcoming opportunities. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to check back regularly for the latest information.
SEA-EU Info Sessions on MSCA-PF
The SEA-EU Info Sessions on the prestigious Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) are here to guide you towards opportunities in academic excellence and professional growth.
CAU: SEA-EU Seed Funding – Travel grants to foster collaboration of early-career researchers & lecturers
Open until 30 Sep 2022
The SEA-EU Project Office at Kiel University (CAU) invites applications from early-career researchers and lecturers for projects that aims to establish or strengthen research and/or teaching collaborations between SEA-EU partner universities. Travel grants to support these projects will be provided.
Eligible projects will be led by an early-career academic staff at Kiel University and in collaboration with at least 1 academic staff of a SEA-EU partner university.
UNIST: SEA-EU Call for proposals for funding collaborative research and innovations
Open until 30 Sep 2022
Thanks to the support of the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education, the University of Split launches a call for proposals for funding collaborative research and innovations. The aim of this call is to gather scientists and researchers of the SEA-EU Alliance and help them initiate collaboration and establish bases for new joint competitive projects. The applied collaborative research project should reflect the values of the SEA-EU Mission Statement and include scientists/researchers from the University of Split and at least one institution from the other SEA-EU university.
The interested applicants should fill in the electronic form available at and send it by email to The deadline for submission of proposals is 12:00 (Brussel’s time) on 15 April 2021. In addition, the applicants should enclose a letter of intent on the cooperation of the research group with another partner institution. For more information, please contact Ivana Jadrić, technical manager of the SEA-EU at the University of Split (