EDLab Final Webinar

we are pleased to invite you to the 4th EDLab webinar on “The road ahead to a European degree: lessons learned from the European Degree Label institutional laboratory” on April 3rd, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:30 am CET (Registration link)

EDLab project was selected by the European Commission to pilot a joint European degree label based on a set of common criteria. It aims to further the implementation of European and international joint degree programmes and the European Degree Label through a network of 13 universities and 35 associated partners including European University Alliances, ministries and quality assurance agencies. The full list of partners is available at: https://www.ed-lab.eu/partners

The main purpose of this event (4th webinar of our series) is to provide an overview of EDLab’s activities in the mapping of joint programmes against the draft criteria for the European degree label, the issuing of pilot label certificates to students from identified joint programmes, and the lessons learnt from this combined exercise in formulating recommendations on reworked criteria and a potential future labelling exercise. Finally, the webinar will provide insight into the road ahead for the European Degree, as envisioned by the European Commission in the Higher Education Package, allowing for Q&A.

The detailed programme is attached.

If you would like to know more about the EDLab project and its activities, have a look at the recording of the previous webinars on the EDLab YouTube channel.

Please feel free to share this invitation with your partners.

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