A joint course of six universities from all over Europe – the TURQUOOISE Master’s degree programme is underway!

Between December 4 and 7 this year, representatives from SEA-EU universities met in Gdańsk at the Faculty of Management’s Staff Week to discuss the programme and organisation of the innovative project. 

The European Universities Programme has allowed universities thousands of kilometres apart to establish an ongoing relationship. Among the unique results of this close, long-term cooperation are the joint courses organised by the partner universities under Erasmus Mundus measures.

In the case of the SEA-EU alliance of coastal universities, these are MIPMAL, on port and logistics management, and TURQUOOISE, related to the sustainable management of institutions. The latter initiative’s creators met from December 4 to December 7 at the University of Gdańsk.

During a Staff Week organised by the Faculty of Management, representatives from six of the nine SEA-EU member universities discussed how to encourage students to recruit for the course and the heritage aspects of the study programme. The international team also visited the Baltic Hub container terminal to see sustainable solutions in practice.

We want to present an interdisciplinary approach to education and offer students knowledge and practical experience,’ said dr Anne Marie Thake from the University of Malta. 

The December Staff Week was organised by representatives of the UG in the TURQUOOISE project: the Vice-Dean for Internationalisation and Development of the Faculty of Management, dr hab. Angelika Kędzierska-Szczepaniak, prof. UGdr Aleksandra Koszarek-Cyra and dr Joanna Próchniak. Representatives from the University of Malta, University of Western Brittany, NORD University, University of Cadiz and University of Split are also involved in the organisation of the course.

Work on TURQUOOISE and MIPMAL is still ongoing. One of the venture’s biggest challenges is preparing the course so that its diploma is recognised in all six countries. This innovative approach to education would not have been possible without the strong cooperation initiated by the European Universities programme.

aut. Marcel Jakubowski (Press Office UG)

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