Welcome to the SEA-EU Alliance’s Toolbox

Explore diverse resources tailored to boost your effectiveness in the classroom and beyond. Our goal is clear: equip you with the tools you need to excel in today’s academic world.

A resource Hub

Whether you’re an educator seeking innovative teaching methods or a researcher looking for data analysis tools, our Toolbox is your comprehensive resource hub. Explore a diverse range of resources that span disciplines and pedagogical approaches, all aimed at enhancing your effectiveness in the classroom and in your research endeavors.

Our Vision

To provide educators and researchers with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving academic landscape. Dive into the SEA-EU Toolbox and unlock the potential to innovate, collaborate, and drive positive change in education and research. Join us on this journey of discovery and empowerment as we work together to shape a brighter future.


Discover all the activities and initiatives carried out whithin SEA-EU and offered to the full society. Marketplace, Transformation Labs or the European Researchers Night among many others.


Blue Talks is a series of short on-line events focused on the topic of a blue economy organised by the SEA-EU.


Access a series of short videos created by experts and teachers that show the diversity and multi-culturality of the 9 SEA-EU territories, from the south of Spain to the north of Norway, we are all different and we all share more than we think.