Internationalization Days for Technical and Administrative Staff (PTGAS) at UCA Focused on Croatia and SEA-EU

The Assembly Hall of the Higher School of Engineering at the Puerto Real Campus hosted last Friday the Internationalization Days for Technical and Administrative Staff (PTGAS) of UCA, dedicated to the country of Croatia. This event, now in its fourth edition, is organized by the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization with the collaboration of the Personnel Department and the SEA-EU office. These days aim to bring PTGAS internationalization closer through UCA’s Mobility Programme.

SEA-EU General Coordinator and Vice-Rector for Internationalization at UCA, Marcela Iglesias, together with the Vice-Rector of the University of Split, Zoran Gogas, the Director of Institutional Relations at Split, Ivana Pletkovic, and SEA-EU Local Manager in Split, Gordana Dujmovic, welcomed the more than 200 participants, highlighting the importance of internationalization in the current university system and highlighting SEA-EU opportunities.

The program was divided into conferences, followed by a Q&A session, where speakers discussed PTGAS Internationalization through mobility, the application process and agreements, as well as the programs and grants available for stays at other universities through the Erasmus+ program and future challenges within the European framework 2021-2027. SEA-EU played a prominent role, with Fernando Pérez, SEA-EU General Director at UCA, leading the presentation of the Alliance, and Irene de Andrés, SEA-EU Communications Manager, participating in the roundtable on internationalization at home: Opportunities, Experiences, and Testimonials.

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