Over 100 Master Reasearch Internships now available in the opportunity browser !

SEA-EU just released a new opportunity browser for Master Research Internships

It allows students to find an internship, in their preferred field of research : natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences, agricultural and veterinary sciences, social sciences, humanities and the arts. 

More than a 100 offers are proposed via this opportunity browser, and will be updated regularly. Internships allow each student to develop new skills in a dynamic and enriching environment of one of our SEA-EU partners !

This new system simplifies research for students and research labs, enabling everyone to work together. 

For students, SEA-EU helps you find an internship abroad to develop academic and professional skills, but also soft skills such as curiosity, open-mindedness and adaptability. 

Find an internship abroad with all the opportunity via SEA-EU partners

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