The SEA-EU universities are interested in facilitating the collaborations between early career researchers and potential supervisors working at the partner universities within the framework of the Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships. MSCA forms part of the Horizon Europe programme, the largest research funding programme in Europe.

The MSCA programme enables early career researchers to move to a host institution in another European country to develop an interdisciplinary research agenda and their future career through international and intersectoral networking.

MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a duration of 12-24 months to researchers of any nationality who,

  • are in possession of a doctoral degree
  • have a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent (FTE) experience in research,
  • comply with the MSCA mobility rule, i.e. have not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the respective European host country for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately prior the call deadline and
  • have identified a supervisor in a European country willing to host and support them.

If awarded, the Postdoctoral Fellowships grant covers salary, a mobility allowance and research costs and overheads for the host institution. Individual candidates together with their supervisor submit proposals for funding under this competitive call through the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders portal; the call will close on 10 September 2025.

Application procedure

Candidates interested in applying for a MSCA-PF are asked to check the table below to find further information about the application process at any of the nine SEA-EU partners.

If, as a postdoctoral researcher, you are interested in getting in touch with potential supervisors, we advise you to prepare your CV and a research project outline document (up to 2 pages) identifying the research synergies with a potential supervisor. 

If both you and the supervisor decide that the cooperation is highly valuable, you will be supported by the supervisor as well as the Research Support Service of the respective SEA-EU university to develop a competitive MSCA proposal.

UniversityInformation on MSCA-PF application procedureContact
University of Cadiz (UCA), Spain Popa (, Juan Jose Pantoja (
University of Western Brittany (UBO), France Sophie Refloch (
University of Gdansk (UG), Poland Pawelska (
University of Split (UNIST), Croatia Paušić (
University of Malta (UM), Malta Support Services Directorate (
Kiel University (CAU), Germany Drossou-Berendes (
University of Naples Parthenope (UNP), Italy Apice (
University of Algarve (UAlg), Portugal Cruz (
NORD University, Norway Mughal (

SEA-EU Info Sessions on MSCA-PF

The SEA-EU Info Sessions on the prestigious Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) are here to guide you towards opportunities in academic excellence and professional growth.

Kiel University

February 26, 2025, 13:00 - 15:00 CEST

Topics: The EU Officer Dr Alexandra Drossou-Berendes from Kiel University will give an overview of the programme and experts from all nine SEA-EU partners will present their own university and its research profiles. 

University of Malta

March 25, 2025 13:00 - 14:00 CEST

Topics: The content of this webinar includes general information on MSCA-PF’s, specifics of application procedure and support provided by the University of Malta. Host is Angie Mifsud, MSCA Advisor at the University of Malta

University of Naples Parthenope

March 27, 2025 11:00-12:00 CEST

Topics: The content of this webinar includes general information on MSCA-PF’s, specifics of application procedure and support provided by the University of Naples.

University of Gdańsk

March 27, 2025 14:00 - 15:00 CEST

Topics: The content of this webinar includes: (i) key application rules, (ii) research opprtunities at UG, (iii) administrative support, (iv) insights from a past laureate, (v) Q&A session.

SEA-EU Info Session

Take a look at the recording of the SEA-EU Info Session, which took place on 26 February 2025.