Cognitive Maps – modeling and artificial implementation

Universidade do Algarve
4 to 12 months
35h / week
At our lab we are currently exploring the possibility of modelling the hippocampal formation of the brain namely its capability to perform simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Our work is driven by the most recent neuroscience observations of the brain namely the head-direction, grid and place cells behaviour and operation, with the objective of implementing artificial cognitive maps. Moreover, we are exploring the possibility of applying those artificial cognitive maps to daily life problems, including SLAM, smart grids, and others, which require artificial intelligence. The long-term objective is the possibility of developing “brain twins” of small animals.
Tasks and duties entrusted to the student:
Studying current neuroscience observations towards the implementation of digital models; Writing of reports and scientific papers;
Skills to be acquired or developed:
ability to model the hippocampal formation, foreseeing the implementation of “brain twins”.


Erasmus + grant available depending on eligibility criteria of your home university

Jânio Monteiro (, António Silva (