Emotion and Sentiment Analysis in Crowd Environments

Universidade do Algarve
1 academic semester (minimum)
35h / week
Context: Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems are having an increasing impact on our day-to-day lives and on how our cities handle our ever-growing needs. Smart systems are systems capable of making decisions based on data received from different sensors and performing actions based on those decisions. These (smart) actions could and should be different for each user depending on their characteristics and needs. Interfaces or interactions with users that employ a “one-size-fits-all” policy should be considered contemporary solutions and are not how future interfaces are expected to behave. The user should be “eased in” to the presence of any technology, where the technology adapts to the user, and not the other way around. This field of research falls within the scope of HCAI-AC. o Main goal: Study and propose an architecture for Emotion and Sentiment Analysis in Events (Crowd Environments)
Tasks and duties entrusted to the student:
o Study and prepare a systematic literature review in “Emotion and Sentiment Analysis in Crowd Environments” . o Propose an architecture for the development of Emotion and Sentiment Analysis in Events (for example: brand activations). o Publish (at least) one paper on the internship’s subject. o Actively participate in the lab’s activities and discussion meetings.
Skills to be acquired or developed:
The subject requires and will develop broad knowledge, with particular emphasis on:  Affective Computing.  Machine Learning.  Computer Vision.


Erasmus + grant available depending on eligibility criteria of your home university

João M. F. Rodrigues (jrodrig@ualg.pt) & Pedro J. S. Cardoso (pcardoso@ualg.pt)