Internship in coastal geomorphology. Chronological model of Holocene coastal dune evolution for European coasts: Proof of concept on the Atlantic coast of France. (5-month internship)

University of Brest
3 to 6 months
35 hours a week
B1 english - B1 french

This internship is offered as part of the project entitled “DuneScape – Holocene Coastal DUNES Chronology and Adaptation of Past communities to the sand invasion along European coasts”. This interdisciplinary project involves different European researchers (France, Poland, Spain and Portugal) from various disciplines (archaeology, sedimentology, geomorphology, geology, biology). Along the Atlantic coast of Europe, a large number of studies have focused on the Holocene coastal dune morphodynamic with the objective of reconstructing the periods of dune installation and aeolian remobilisation, both in time and space. Most of these studies have demonstrated that the morphodynamic of Holocene coastal dunes is characterised by a succession of sand-drift events (associated with the deposition of aeolian sand inland) alternating with periods of dune stabilisation (that led to the formation of organic sandy soils). Some chronologies were established at the local and/or the regional scales and have highlighted some relations between the periods of dune mobility and the climatic condition changes, including storminess. Although many papers establish synchronicities from one region to another, comparisons remain very descriptive, draw too vague chronological frameworks, and rely on non-harmonised data and deterministic chronological approaches. Without a strong chronological framework established on a European scale, it is presently difficult to determine the role of climate forcing in the dune mobility along the western European coast. Therefore, the objective of DuneScape project will be developing a more robust chronological model for coastal dune evolution, based on a probabilistic approach (Bayesian statistics) integrating digital chronology data (C14, OSL, IRSL), available in the European scientific literature. The aim of the internship is to conduct a proof of concept using ChronoModel software to establish the chronology of coastal dunes on the French Atlantic coast. This methodology could then be applied to all European coasts. This internship is intended for students with a background in geography, geomorphology geology or geochronology. The use of geographical information systems (GIS) would be appreciated. Knowledge of one or more of the project partner languages (Polish, Spanish, Portuguese or French) would also be an advantage. The student was working in partnership with other SEA-EU students. The duration and timing of the internship can be adapted (to a limited extent) to the student’s academic constraints.

600 euros per month as per national law.

Tasks and duties entrusted to the student:
  • Creation of a database of all dating (radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence and infrared stimulated luminescence) from coastal dunes on the French Atlantic.
  • Integrate this chronological information into the ChronoModel software to produce one (or more) chronological model(s) of dune mobility and stability.
  • If the results are conclusive, this analysis could be extended to all European coasts.
  • The student may also be invited to present his/her results at scientific events involving the project partners.
Skills to be acquired or developed:
  • In-depth knowledge of coastal dune morphodynamics at Holocene scale.
  • Knowledge of the main drivers (changes in sea level, palaeostorminess, sediment supply and human impact) of coastal dune mobility.
  • Management of data collected from different sources.
  • Principles of Bayesian statistics.
  • Use of software tools to build chronological models.
  • Presentation of scientific research results in various forms (reports, scientific articles or oral presentations).
  • Ability to use initiative and judgement to resolve problems alone or as part of the group
  • Working in a multidisciplinary, international team.
Laboratory LETG (Littoral – Environnement – Télédétection – Géomatique); University of Brest; European Institute for Marine Studies. Aneta Gorczynska, postdoctoral researcher: