The FAO’s 2030 Agenda defined 17 goals to fulfil the basic human needs to everyone by using intelligent and sustainable science. The food and agriculture lie at the heart of this Agenda and in this perspective, microorganisms can play a major role1. Indeed, history made clear that microorganisms which have to withstand various conditions, play key role in the environment and if used wisely, they can contribute to a sustainable development. Bacterial endospores have been known since the dawn of microbiology although they are mostly studied for their pathogenicity and spoilage issues in the food science. However, the ubiquitous character of endospore forming bacteria linked to the variability in their phenotypic behaviour (e.g. psychrotrophily, mesophily, thermophily, acidophily,…) and resistance make them good candidates for direct applications in agriculture and food industry. Furthermore, their ability to form heat- and desiccation-resistant endospores allow them to survive the preparation of bacterial formulations for further use in food industry. In addition to FAO’s agenda, consumers become more conscious of food safety significance which is associated with a strong demand for more natural products and production ways. Thus, the use of novel biocontrol methods is gaining further interest2. Biological control agents have been the focus of considerable research in agriculture and food fields. In that context, the biological agent was mainly investigated for limiting pathogenic microorganisms for plant or human. In the food chain, one battle for better controlling pathogenic microorganisms and thus ensure food safety is the biofilm. On most occasion, biofilms are formed or colonized by spoilage or pathogenic microorganisms and can serve as source of cross-contamination in foods3. Thus, the present project aims at exploring the biocontrol potential activities of spore forming bacteria.
The student will realise different antibacterial assays will against Salmonella enterica and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Classical method of antimicrobial discovery will be used meaning well diffusion and deferred antagonism assays. Anti-biofilm effects will be tested at different biofilm phase meaning at the adhesion level, during and after the formation. At last, quorum quenching activity will be evaluated using reported strains.
The student should acquire expertise in microbiology, in the evaluation of different biocontrol activities as well as an ability to perform biofilm and evaluate quorum quenching activity for further use in a context of food.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.