Internship in study of the spatio-temporal variability of micronekton distribution in the tropical Atlantic, in relation to their abiotic environment, using acoustic data acquired during the PIRATA surveys

University of Brest
3 to 6 months
35 hours a week
B2 English, B1 French, B2 Spanish

For more than 20 years, cruises were performed annually in the eastern tropical Atlantic to deploy and maintain the buoys of the PIRATA (‘Prediction and Research moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic’; Bourlès et al., 2008) program. The number of sampling instruments and measurements increased throughout the years, providing comprehensive datasets of the biological and environmental variability in this region. Since 2015, annual surveys were carried out aboard the research vessel Thalassa, equipped with echosounders ( This has enabled to add a biotic component to this exceptional time series of data on the abiotic environment. Over the last 10 years, the densities and vertical distribution of micronektonic organisms can be monitored in relation to environmental parameters. The micronekton includes a wide variety of species measuring from 2 to 20 cm in length (fish, crustaceans, squid, gelatinous organisms). They form an essential part of the biotic environment, in all oceans, as it is the source of food for large predators such as tuna, seabirds and marine mammals. Some of them migrate vertically every day from the great depths where they live during the day to escape predators, to the surface where they come at night to feed on zooplankton.

Tasks and duties entrusted to the student:
  • Synthesize the results of 10 years (2015-2024) of surveys to determine the evolution of indicators such as density, spatial extension, vertical layer boundaries, proportions of migrant/non-migrant organisms
  • Study the spatio-temporal variability of acoustic density
  • Explore the interactions between organism distributions and the physical and chemical parameters of the environment (temperature, salinity, oxygen, fluorescence)
Skills to be acquired or developed:
  • Knowledge of active acoustics
  • Knowledge of ecology or oceanography
  • Statistics: functional data analysis (, multivariate analysis
  • Programming (R / Python)
Jérémie HABASQUE IRD de Bretagne, BP70 - 29280 PLOUZANE - FRANCE Tel.: (+33) (0)2 98 22 45 12 LEMAR (Laboratory of Environmental Marine Sciences)