Internship in Maritime Imaginaries and Coastal Regionalisms

University of Brest
01/10/25 - 31/12/25
35h / week
English C1, B2 French

The researchers involved in this programme are investigating the ways in which local or regional maritime artistic practices and imaginaries have emerged in various communities and territories in the North Atlantic area, and the role played by these imaginaries and practices in the invention or reinvention of maritime identities in a political context marked by the rise of European regionalisms.
The aim is to examine a variety of resources to understand contemporary artistic strategies (literary, aesthetic, audiovisual, etc.) used to represent, heritage, idealise or de-idealise the sea, the island and the coast, depending on the cultural or political orientations and objectives of the artists, local authorities and activists involved in this process of representation. The aim is also to understand how these representations or imaginaries enable local populations to promote themselves as communities, to reconfigure their image, to reconcile paradigms (local/European, etc.) and to envisage the sea and coast not only as resources to be exploited but also as reservoirs of cultural practices for identity affirmations. The project focuses on two geographical areas: Brest Métropole in Brittany (France) and Gdansk in Pomerania (Poland).

Tasks and duties entrusted to the student:
  • Participate in the organisation of workshops and study days linked to the research programme 'Maritime Imaginaries'
  • Design and develop a website for the research programme
  • Research skills (participation in interdisciplinary / intersectoral workshops)
  • Organisation skills (events and activities)
  • IT skills (creation and development of website under drupal)
  • Communication skills (in partnership with communication departments of the university for creation of flyers, posters ...)
  • Teamwork (collaboration with researchers, admin. staff ...)
Skills to be acquired or developed:
  • database conceptions
  • organisational skills
  • I.T. skills


University of Brest : 600 euros per month as per national law + Erasmus+ grant available depending on egibility criteria of your university

Camille Manfredi & Kimberley Page-Jones -