Metagenomes assembled genomes (MAGs) and viromes recovery from a longitudinal study of the human gut and dynamics analysis.

University of Kiel
3 to 6 months
35h / week
English B1
We have metagenomic sequencing of 5 individuals nearly daily sampled over a span of 2 weeks (a total of 52 human gut samples). These samples are a result of a short-term physical exercise randomized intervention study. The novelty of this project lies within a longitudinal analysis of the human gut microbiome and virome with previous a impact observed from the physical exercise intervention study.
Tasks and duties entrusted to the student:
We have metagenomic sequencing of 5 individuals nearly daily sampled over a span of 2 weeks (a total of 52 human gut samples). These samples are a result of a short-term physical exercise randomized intervention study. The novelty of this project lies within a longitudinal analysis of the human gut microbiome and virome with previous a impact observed from the physical exercise intervention study.
Skills to be acquired or developed:
Metagenomics and metaviromics data analysis of microbes that can be applied to a sample from any environment and not just restricted to the proposed project. A deeper understanding of computational biology with the possibility to develop your own pipelines


Erasmus + grant available depending on eligibility criteria of your home university

Dr. Cynthia Maria Chibani,, +49 431 880-4337
Prof. Dr. Ruth Schmitz-Streit,, +49 431 880-4334