Professors from the University of Gdańsk visit the University of Cadiz to exchange good practices in HR management.

The professors of the University of Gdańsk, Tomasz Kawka and Agata Borowska-Pietrzak, have visited these days the University of Cadiz, in the framework of a conference Staff mobility for teaching, organized by the General Coordination of the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU alliance) and the Staff area of the UCA.

During the Staff Week of the HR areas of the member universities of the SEA-EU alliance, held in October last year at the Polish university, the visiting professors had the opportunity to learn about some good practices in human resources management related to administrative staff presented by the Personnel area of our University.

The purpose of their visit to the UCA is to know in depth, analyze and discuss some of the mentioned management processes. Representatives of the Management received them and then the day was developed, where they discussed issues related to the PTGAS of the University of Cadiz: organizational structure of the PTGAS and management system of the Personnel area, job satisfaction survey and performance and competencies evaluation system.

This programme has counted with the participation of several staff members of the Personnel area. The teachers will continue during the week with the activities planned in the agenda of the Staff mobility for teaching.

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