Research project on the contamination due to IPA presence in farmed mussels by Parthenope University

Coastal areas are one of the main connection points between land based activities, industries, human actions and the marine environment. To broaden the knowledge of its neighboring coasts, Parthenope University of Naples is carrying on the AMICA (Approccio Multidisciplinare allo studio della contaminazione da Ipa nelle Cozze da Allevamento) research project focused on the study of the contamination due to IPA presence in farmed mussels.

During last week, the fieldwork of the project began with the collection of physical, chemical and biological data along the water column, current data, water and sea bottom samples in the Gulf of Pozzuoli.

Next steps of the project include the collection of data during different seasons and under different wind regimes, the analysis of sea bottom, water and biological samples as well as the use of outputs from ocean model. Finally, a study on the economic impact of the IPA contamination on mussel farms will be realized.

The Project involves several researchers from different sectors including oceanography, biology, ecology and economics, and is coordinated by Prof. Yuri Cotroneo and Prof. Giorgio Budillon, also involved in SEA-EU activities.

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