SEA-EU at “BioeconomyDay” by Parthenope University of Naples

The Sixth edition of the “BioeconomyDay” took place at Parthenope University of Naples on the 23rd of May, 2024: it celebrated the National Bioeconomy Day, an initiative promoted by SPRING Cluster, of which Parthenope University is a member. The event was coordinated by Prof. Ilaria Tutore and Prof. Pasquale Marcello Falcone for Parthenope University, and it aimed to fuel the debate around the principles and practices of Circular Economy within university community and society at large.
The programme featured debates and activities to bring together representatives of companies, government institutions and civil society, allowing them in this way to access and explore funding opportunities. Projects focused on environmental and social sustainability carried out by Parthenope University were also showcased.
Prizes were awarded to students who participated in the “ReCreate & Share” contest; these students will represent Parthenope University at the University of Gdansk on June 6-7. This meeting is organised within the broader framework of the SEA-EU Task 4.4 SEA-EU Goes Greener, which aims to create a sustainability network within the SEA-EU Alliance to share and disseminate best practices across SEA-EU universities, with the overarching goal of increasing sustainability impact on each campus.

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