SEA-EU “Exploring Sustainable Finance” and “Food & Event Management” Staff Weeks by Parthenope University of Naples

From 12 to 14 February 2024 Parthenope University of Naples hosted two Staff Weeks, for both teaching and non-teaching staff of partner universities. Delegates from Algarve, Gdańsk, Malta, Kiel and Split universities enthusiastically participated in the event and took part in the related activities.

In particular, the Teaching Staff week Exploring Sustainable Finance program enabled SEA-EU teaching staff to delve into the rapidly evolving world of sustainable finance, broaden their understanding of sustainable finance practices and challenges through workshops, lectures, and discussions about how finance and sustainability can (and must) harmoniously coexist.

In the meanwhile, the non-teaching Staff Week Food & Event Management introduced participants to the powerful potential of Food culture and its economic outcome.  To this end, team building activities related to this topic were also included: they had the chance to experience the art of the Neapolitan pizzaiolo, recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage, through the workshop Neapolitan Pizzaiolo for a Day by Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana. Participants also visited the historical Neapolitan Patificio Di Martino, learned about the history of the brand and the pasta making process, focusing on its cultural value.

The event provided fruitful exchanges and shared experiences between participating institutions, enhancing not only knowledge but also mutual connectionin order to better collaborate.

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