SEA-EU Governing Week in Split: Uniting Forces for a Transformative Higher Education Agenda

The SEA-EU Governing Week in Split, Croatia, is in full swing, bringing together academic leaders, stakeholders, and decision-makers from the nine partner universities. Hosted by the University of Split, the week-long event (November 28th – December 1st) promises impactful discussions and decisions that will shape the future of European higher education.

Kicking off with the Technical Working Group, participants delved into ongoing initiatives and set the stage for collaborative efforts. The Stakeholders Group meeting highlighted the crucial role of external partners in the SEA-EU Alliance’s success. Today, the agenda includes the Executive Committee meeting, designed for dynamic and interactive discussions, reflecting the alliance’s commitment to more agile decision-making processes. The scenario offered the perfect opportunity for the preparatory meeting of the upcoming “Being SEA-EU Conference” scheduled for June 2024 at the University of Malta. As the Governing Week progresses, participants are engaged in shaping the direction of the SEA-EU Alliance. The agenda also includes a visit to the planetarium for the Students Council, adding a touch of engagement beyond formal proceedings. The SEA-EU Governing Week in Split represents a convergence of minds and a testament to the collaborative spirit propelling European higher education toward a transformative future.

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