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SEA-EU team of experts organised COMMUNITY-ENGAGED UNIVERSITY Conference that took place on 20th May 2022 in Split, Croatia.The conference was organised in a hybrid form (5 sections: 4 physical and 1 online) with 80 participants (physical and online) and 39 presentations. List of countries from which the presenters were: Spain, Poland, France, Germany, Croatia, Malta, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, Slovakia, Canada, Romania, United Kingdom.After the Conference, Community-Engaged University Proceedings was published. You can download it here:
SEA-EU Service Learning Conference call
Community-engaged University
Split, Croatia, 20th May 2022

The international professional and scientific Service Learning Conference Community-engaged University is an event organized by the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU) alliance. The objective of the SEA-EU Service Learning (SL) conference is to bring together policymakers, teachers, researchers, students and practitioners from various aspects of Service Learning with the idea to increase the number and the quality of Service Learning activities in the SEA-EU universities. Service Learning will be presented as a tool that can be used in the process of creating an engaged university.
This call is open to all kinds of contributors willing to support the idea of creating an engaged university. This invitation goes to all the people willing to support this idea with any kind of contributions to support this action. Possible formats for the conference proceedings can be: posters, articles, practice reports, discussion papers, storytelling, SL course material… (there are no restrictions).
All submitted papers according to the proposed form will be published in the online conference proceedings. Selected papers will be published in the WoS journal Journal Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems – INDECS. INDECS is indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, DOAJ EBSCO Academic SearchTM Complete, EconLit, ERIH PLUS, and Ulrich’s.
Conference Chair
Ivana Bilić, University of Split, Croatia, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism
Conference Co-Chairs
Frauke Godat, Kiel University, Germany, Division of Quality Development – Teaching Development
Adam Jagiełło – Rusiłowski, University of Gdanks, Poland, Instytut Pedagogiki, WNS
Program Committee members
Maja Krčum,University of Split, Croatia, Faculty of Maritime Study
Mayka García-García, University of Cadiz, Spain, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Ana Zarzuela Castro, University of Cadiz, Spain, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Jarosław Jendza,University of Gdanks, Poland, Instytut Pedagogiki, WNS
Adélie Chatellard, University of Western Brittan, France, Faculté des Sciences du Sport et de l’Education (FSSE)
Angele Patiniott, University of Malta, Knowledge Transfer Office
Carl James Debono, University of Malta, Malta, Faculty of Information & Communication Technology
Ivana Jadrić, University of Split, Croatia, SEA-EU Office
Organization Co-Chairs
Nina Milanović, University of Split, Croatia, SEA-EU Office