“STEM fatale”: Researchers and Teachers of STEM subjects at Parthenope University

“STEM fatale”: Researchers and Teachers of STEM subjects at Parthenope University gathered for a group photo at the headquarters of the Centro Direzionale on February 11th. The initiative was organised by the Committee for Equal Opportunities of Parthenope University on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

The photo brings together full and associate professors and researchers from the various Departments of the University of the so-called STEM disciplines, namely Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Although women are in the minority compared to their male colleagues in these disciplines around the world, the photo is to signal both that at Parthenope there is a large group of female scientists and scholars and that the University fights any form of discrimination and promotes the elimination of the gender gap in any field.

Female students who want to specialize in STEM disciplines should know that at Parthenope they will find an inclusive environment full of role models to inspire them among the professors and researchers of the University.

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