The SEA-EU Observatory of Migration and Human Rights makes a move forward at the Staff Week in Malta.

Concurring with the Being SEA-EU Conference, the Staff Week of the SEA-EU Observatory for Migration and Human Rights took place at the Valletta Campus of the University of Malta, making it easier for the members of the Observatory to participate in both events.  

Attendees from the nine universities of the alliance (Cadiz, Western Brittany, Kiel, Gdansk, Split, Malta, Algarve, Naples, NORD) participated in the event. It was a great occasion to share experiences, make decisions and work towards the future of the forum. This Staff Week was coordinated by Lorena Calvo Mariscal, Lecturer and Researcher in the Area of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Cádiz 

The opening session of the Staff Week was an introduction about the migratory situation in Malta delivered by local stakeholder and NGOs’ representatives. Lorena Calvo presented the current situation of the Observatory and announced a change in the coordination, which from now on will be carried out by Ángeles Jiménez García-Carriazo, Research Fellow in the Area of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Cádiz.  

On the second day, the participants had the chance of getting to know the history of Valletta.   

The visit was followed by a session in which the participants gave an update on their research lines. Based on this information, the creation of areas of interest in the research network was agreed. These two areas are: (i), Migration, refugees, borders and human rights in international law and EU migration policy, and (ii) Diversity and Social Justice.  

The creation of these groups and areas of interest is aimed to help proposing joint thematic activities, such as international conferences, forums and webinars, or the joint development of policy papers for publishing on the Observatory’s website or academic works.  

To conclude the Staff Week, the upcoming activities of the SEA-EU Observatory for Migration and Human Rights were discussed. 

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