The University of Algarve celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Erasmus Mundus Program with a SEA-EU 2.0 staff week

The University of Algarve celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Erasmus Mundus Program with a SEA-EU 2.0 staff week from March 4 to 6, 2024.

As part of the European university of the seas, the 2nd staff week dedicated to the Erasmus Mundus Program took place at UAlg from March 4 to 6. The opening session welcomed over 15 representatives from alliance universities, with the presence of the Rector, Professor Dr. Paulo Águas, offering greetings.

On the first day, Dr. Carla Ruivo, Coordinator of Erasmus+ in Portugal, provided an overview of the Erasmus Mundus Program in the European and national contexts. Following that, Dr. Marleni Azevedo, Coordinator of International Relations and Mobility at UAlg, shared the university’s extensive experience in joint master’s and doctoral programs in Erasmus Mundus since 2004.

Next, Professor Dr. Isabel Cavaco, the current Coordinator of the joint Erasmus Mundus master’s in Chemical Innovation and Regulation, a program recently awarded European EDLAb quality certification, shared her experience in facilitating various workshops and working groups. The groups were challenged to present the creation of a new joint master’s program based on the knowledge-sharing over three intensive training days.

The last day included a visit to the exhibition “The World at UAlg” and “Cities of SEA-EU” at the Central Library in Gambelas, followed by a Porto de Honra attended by the Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Sustainable Development, Professor Dr. Alexandra Teodósio.

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