UBO welcomed a workshop from the Expert Group on Task 2.5 “SEA-EU becoming a diversified lifelong learning hub”

On June 26 and 27, in Brest, UBO welcomed 11 partners from the Expert Group on Task 2.5 “SEA-EU becoming a diversified lifelong learning hub” for a workshop. These two days were devoted to exchanging practices in the field of lifelong learning, and in particular on the recognition of non-formal and informal learning. The group had the opportunity to hear testimonies of candidates who validated Master’s degrees through the process of validation of prior experience at UBO along with testimonies from jury members

The aim was to put in common the working methods enabling the validation of  skills and prior professional experiences throughout life! The 11 colleagues from the partner universities of the SEA-EU Alliance were thus able to discover the different mechanisms involved in the validation of prior learning in France : the national framework and its implementation at the University of Brest.

According to Catherine Larreur, Head of the Study Resumption and Prior Learning Validation Office, “The aim of this “expert group” was to exchange views on the similarities and the particularities of each country with regard to the process of validation of prior learning at a European level. VAE is a very French process. We are the only country to go so far in the recognition of prior learning, since universities can grant diplomas without a period of academic training. This seems very surprising and innovative for other countries, where only part of a diploma can be validated by the recognition of prior learning (50% in Poland, for example). Within SEA-EU, UBO is therefore acting as an expert on the subject.”

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