University of Algarve organized and hosted the Staff Week: VALUING KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER AND BUSINESS CREATION

An impressive three-day event titled “VALUING KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER AND BUSINESS CREATION” took place as part of the Staff Week program within the SEA-EU Alliance. The University of Algarve organized and hosted this program from December 11th to December 13th, 2023. The event served as a platform for insightful discussions and collaboration on the vital themes of knowledge transfer and fostering business creation, particularly within the realm of technology. In this event, 6 staff from the universities of Kiel (Germany), Nord (Norway), Brest (France), and Gdansk (Poland), alongside several Algarve University department professors, researchers and staff, examined and exchanged Portuguese’s and UAlg’ s successful entrepreneurial case studies in various technological areas, including Medicine, Marketing, Physics, Geology and Geography.
On the initial day, welcome sessions were conducted by Marleni Azevedo, the Head of the International Department at the University of Algarve, and Professor Patricia Pinto, the Pro-Rector for the SEA-EU Alliance. Subsequently, they were presented with instructive talks on three Research Units, which encompassed the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability, and Well-being (CinTurs), the Interdisciplinary Centre for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour (ICAREHB), and the Research Center for Cyber-Physical Systems in the Algarve (CISCA).
During the three days, the participants also visited UAlg Tec at Penha Campus and the other research centers of the university including the Algarve Biomedical Center Research Institute and Marine Science Center (CCMAR) at Gambelas Campus.
Concluding the event, Vice Rector for internationalization of SEA-EU, Professor Alexandra Teodósio also attended and emphasized the significance of fostering innovative ideas and collaborative projects among the universities within the SEA-EU alliance.
The major objective of the Staff Week event was to enhance and reinforce international collaboration within the SEA-EU Alliance, both presently and in the future.

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