The SEA-EU Expert Group of task 6.3 met at Parthenope University of Naples for a two-days meeting (March 11-12 2025) entirely dedicated to Science Communication (SciComm), a topic of growing strategic importance. The event was coordinated by Professors Massimiliano Lega and Daniele Previtali, Parthenope University’s delegates for this specific area, with the support of the University’s SEA-EU Office, led by Dr. Giovanna Apice.
The proceedings opened with the speech of Prof. Gabriele Sampagnaro, as Pro-rector of SEA-EU, who highlighted the importance of SciComm on the national and international scene, emphasising the key role it plays for the Alliance and the University. Among the activities of the two-day event, particular interest was aroused by the presentation of a Science Communication best practice by Prof. Massimiliano Lega, who illustrated his SAfE Tour. The talk combined moments of science show, with technology demonstrations and interaction with participants, and in-depth discussions on the strategic and organisational aspects required to align the initiative with the guidelines drawn up by the international working group.
Once again, the brillant Expert Group contributed to make the SEA-EU Alliance distinguish itself for its commitment to the promotion and enhancement of SciComm.