Staff Mobility

There are many options for you to travel abroad and learn from and with SEA-EU colleagues. The mobility office at your university will inform you and help with any of the options for ERASMUS mobilities.

Job Shadowings

Erasmus+ supports training periods for staff working in higher education institutions. Training periods abroad can consist of job shadowing, observation periods, professional development courses or specific competence-building events. You will need an agreement with a colleague from a SEA-EU university, and a programme for every day of the visit. Contact your mobility office for more information.

Staff Weeks

International Staff Training Week (short: Staff week) is a five-day event organised by a higher education institution which includes seminars, workshops, presentations and active participation of domestic experts and international partners.

Contact your mobility office for more information.

Upcoming staff weeks

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Naples, 8-10 October 2024

Emotional skills through Music: “SEA-EU Concert”

Naples, 25-27 September 2024

Research and Innovation - Open Science staff week

Split October 2024

Lifelong learning staff week

Split September 2024

Art Staff Week

Split September 2024

Human Resources

University of Malta - 22 October 2024

Staff Testimonials

SEA-EU staff are embarking on international adventures through staffweeks, job-shadowings and many other opportunities, discover their experiences and get involved. You can contact your international office for more information.