2024 Edition

It was a pleasure to host you at the first edition of the international conference ‘BEING SEA-EU’. The conference took place in Malta on 10-12 June and attracted almost 300 international researchers – academics and students.
Here’s a quick look at ‘BEING SEA-EU’ by the numbers:
- 253 in-person participants,
- 67 virtual participants,
- 4 thematic streams,
- 43 sessions with approximately 150 presentations,
- 34 posters,
- 9 SEA-EU universities and 10+ associated partners.
Read an article summarising the event on the SEA-EU website.
‘BEING SEA-EU’ Conference Details
Date: 10 – 12 June 2024
Venue: University of Malta, Valletta Campus
Language of the Conference: English
Thematic streams:
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and Medical/Health Sciences
- Arts, humanities, and social sciences (economics, sociology, anthropology, etc.)
- Migration and human rights
- Interdisciplinary
- Academics and students from any of the 9 SEA-EU participating Universities
- SEA-EU Observatories: the Observatory for Sustainable Blue Economy (OSBE) and the Observatory of Migration and Human Rights (OMHR)
- Associated partners that have signed the SEA-EU Global Gateway Declaration during the SEA-EU Congress
Funding: Conference participation is free of charge but any other costs are self-funded. SEA-EU funding associated with this conference can be tapped into by each partner University.
For more information kindly contact sea-eu@um.edu.mt