Highlights from the SEA-EU Staff Day in Malta

On 21 March 2024, the spring edition of the SEA-EU Staff Day was held at the University of Malta. This special event honoured the hard work of individuals devoted to advancing the goals of the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU). The event, graced by esteemed guests including the Rector of the University of Malta, served as an important reminder of the power of collaboration and collective action in academia. The SEA-EU Staff Day was also the opportunity to present of the first time the SEA-EU at UM Organogram.

In his opening address, the Rector of the University of Malta, Prof. Alfred J Vella, described the nominees as pioneers within the SEA-EU initiative, recognising their pivotal role.

He remarked, “You are the trailblazers. There are 2000 employees at UM of which 130 are involved in SEA-EU and this group is small. But it doesn’t matter if we act as a catalyst. Typically you need only small quantities of a catalyst to cause the rate of a reaction to build up.”

The sentiment of acknowledgment was further echoed by the Rector’s Delegate for SEA-EU, Prof. Alan Deidun, who elucidated the long-term implications of the alliance. He emphasised the enduring significance of SEA-EU and similar collaborations in shaping the future landscape of higher education.

He declared, “There are already plans by the European Commission for the next round of the Alliances. They are already speaking about the next fund allocations from 2028 onwards when there will be a new programming period. The alliances are here to stay so it’s either we decide as the University of Malta to be a part of this growing tide or we are left out.”

The event reached its highlight with the certificate presentation. The Rector handed out certificates to nominees, symbolising recognition for their contributions and the collective dedication of the SEA-EU community. As the Alliance continues to evolve, the contribution and experience of these individuals is undoubtedly needed to achieve new goals in support of the European Universities cooperation. The presentation of certificates to UM staff engaged within the SEA-EU Alliance will ensue in upcoming Staff Days given the sheer size of the SEA-EU community on campus.

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