Insightful presentations about SEA-EU project in the University of Algarve

In October and November 2023, Algarve University held several insightful meetings on SEA-EU Project: A series of dynamic meetings unfolded at Algarve University, engaging students, faculties, Scientific Council members, professors, and researchers. The sessions served as a platform to delve into the diverse opportunities and objectives offered by the SEA-EU Project.

On October 25, 2023, the session commenced with Mrs. Pro-rector Prof. Doctor Patrícia Pinto delivering an informative presentation on the SEA-EU 2.0 project. Following this, Dr. Marleni Azevedo, the Coordinator of GRIM, provided a succinct overview of the structure and concepts underpinning the new Erasmus+ Program for the period 2021-2027. Dr. Azevedo discussed the proposals and information received from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the context of establishing ABE+ (Erasmus+ bilateral agreements). She highlighted the challenges associated with creating ABE+ under the framework of Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) and stressed the need for HEIs to furnish comprehensive information to optimize mobility opportunities with the various universities within SEA-EU 2.0.

The presentation further delved into the concept of Erasmus Without Paper (EWP), elucidating its implications. A technical explanation and demonstration followed, providing insights into managing ABE+ (Agreements for Bilateral Exchange), OLA (Online Learning Agreement), and applications via the platform. Various types of mobility were explored, including BIP (Bilateral International Program), micro-credentials, staff mobility (teaching and training), international weeks, and student mobility (studies and internships). Vice-Chancellor Dr. Alexandre Teodósio intervened, underscoring the significance and diverse benefits associated with the University of Algarve’s membership in SEA-EU 2.0.

On October 26, Mrs. Pro-rector Prof. Doctor Patrícia Pinto held a meeting with the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics at UALg, presenting insights into the SEA-EU 2.0 project and the opportunities it presents.

Moving forward to November 8, two enlightening presentations were conducted at the High School of Health of UAlg for faculties, staff, and students. These sessions offered comprehensive insights into the diverse opportunities facilitated by the SEA-EU Project.

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