Parthenope University in “Fitwalking: Walking for health, walking in health” for a healthier campus lifestyle

Parthenope University is into firtalking for a healthier campus lifestyle. Parthenope University participated in ‘Fitwalking: Walking for health, walking in health’, an initiative promoted by the Coordinamento Associazioni Pazienti Diabetici della Campania (Consortium of Associations for diabetes patients of Campania region). After the conference hosted at the headquarter of the Department of Movement Sciences and Wellness, the event featured a group walk along the seaside to encourage the creation of fitwalking routes.

The university, which adhered to the Urban Diabetes Declaration and the Coordinamento delle Associazioni dei pazienti diabetici della Campania, has committed to support initiatives to prevent type 2 diabetes and its complications, in line with the objectives of the international project Cities Changing Diabetes, now Cities for Better Health, thus placing Naples at the forefront of the fight against urban diabetes. To this aim, the promotion of an active lifestyle takes a leading role. Adapted physical activity, in combination with drug therapy and diet, is today the best tool for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. The aim of the initiative was to encourage the creation of fitwalking routes that stimulate physical activity in people with diabetes and/or obesity.

The activity aligns with SEA-EU values and goals, towards a healthier and dynamic campus lifestyle. Professor Pasqualina Buono, actively involved in SEA-EU Alliance working group in the sports and healthy scope, promoted the initiative together with Professors Andrea Soricelli, Domenico Tafuri, Giuliana Valerio.

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