Recap of the SEA-EU Staff Day at the University of Malta

The Valletta Campus hosted the second SEA-EU Staff Day, organised by the SEA-EU Office at UM, bringing together the University of Malta staff – educators, researchers, and administrative staff – to talk about where the alliance is heading. 

This event was an opportunity for newcomers to get to know SEA-EU better and the overall objectives of the alliance and recent developments were presented. Furthermore, this was an opportunity to get to know more about the three nested projects of SEA-EU: reSEArch-EUSEA-EU DOC, and TURQUOOISE.

The event was chaired by the Rector’s Delegate for SEA-EU, Prof. Alan Deidun, and supported by the Manager of the SEA-EU Office at UM, Ms Maria Grima Calleja.

ReSEArch-EU is the branch of the alliance focusing on the development of scientific research and its widespread access. These activities were reported on by the Open Science Ambassador, Dr Ritienne Gauci.

SEA-EU DOC cares about the development of future competencies among doctoral students and tries to support them in building their future career paths. It addresses the problem of insufficient places at the academy, which cannot accept all PhD graduates. Speaking about the project was the Director of the Doctoral School, Prof. Nicholas Vella.

TURQUOOISE’s aim is to create a SEA-EU Joint Master Degree in Sustainable Management of Organisations. The challenges associated with this project were presented by Dr Kurt Borg, the lecturer from the Department of Public Policy heavily involved in the work of this project.


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