At SEA-EU we work to offer researchers a wide range of opportunities. Discover all the research potential in our database of Research Groups and Ifrastructures, benefit from financing for projects, and much more!

Research activities

One of the main pillars of the Alliance is research. There are many activities, initiatives and opportunities for you in research, since our Research Potential Database, to calls and training.


Embark on a transformative journey at SEA-EU universities! Explore new cultures, make lasting connections, and broaden your horizons. Mobilities are opportunities for personal growth and global understanding. Step out of your comfort zone, embrace diversity, and let the exchange of ideas shape your future. 


SEA-EU Academy

An entirely virtual learning environment as well as a digital platform for organising and promoting regular virtual training, webinars and seminars.

SEA Innovated HUb

The purpose of this RDM Toolkit is to serve as a guideline with relevant information on how to effectively manage, preserve and disseminate research data in order to maximise the potential of research. Additionally, it equips researchers with the necessary resources to develop Data Management Plans (DMPs) in line with the FAIR data principles.


SEA EU Talent

The reSEArch-EU Project not only seeks results in terms of entrepreneurship, stakeholder engagement, open sience, etc. but also intends to serve as a launch pad for researchers in the SEA-EU Alliance.

The SEA-EU Talent programme is developed with the aim of promoting the work of the SEA-EU Alliance’s young researchers, thus increasing the social impact of their investigations and giving a boost to their careers.

The Open Science Ambassadors (OSAs) have the important role of providing the awareness, training and voice to Open Science and Open Research Data at the individual university level and within the context of SEA-EU. In doing so, they need to be trained to do the job effectively and growing professionally via other available experiences and materials. 


The Spin-Off Competence Lab is designed as a competence laboratory dedicated to early stage researchers, to whom virtual training is offered for the acquisition of both hard skills (knowledge on intellectual property rights, innovation management) and soft skills (problem solving, self-management, entrepreneurial abilities).


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