SEA-EU Congress Unveils Achievements and Forges Path Forward at the University of Algarve

The University of Algarve hosted this week the SEA-EU Global Congress as part of the project task co-led by the University of Gdansk, bringing together participants from 27 countries and 32 universities to reflect on SEA-EU 1.0’s achievements and chart a course for SEA-EU 2.0 and beyond, adding to the discussion the challenges faced by society in the global context.

The programme commenced with official registration, providing participants with a glimpse into the vibrant atmosphere of the University of Algarve. Rector Paulo Águas set an inspiring tone with a warm welcome speech, followed by Fidel Echevarría, General Coordinator of the SEA-EU Alliance from the University of Cadiz, who presented the Alliance to the international audience. The morning featured presentations on SEA-EU 1.0 achievements, including the OCEANOGRAF Expedition, a science showcase by young researchers, and insights into the Blue Economy Observatory. Lola Perea from the University of Cadiz then outlined the ambitious work towards SEA-EU Joint Programmes. The day continued with several roundtable discussions addressing global challenges, fostering collaborative exchanges among participants. Beyond formal sessions, participants immersed themselves in local culture, enjoying Fado music and tapas. Informal interactions during lunch sparked the beginning of future collaborations. A noteworthy moment occurred with the introduction of the new Rector of the University of Cadiz, Casimiro Mantell, marking a seamless transition in leadership for the alliance. The SEA-EU Congress at the University of Algarve reached its pinnacle when all participants united in signing the Gateway Declaration. This significant document, crafted as a statement of commitment, was prepared in collaboration with the Future Leadership Forum celebrated at the University of Naples Parthenope. The Declaration symbolizes the shared dedication of SEA-EU members to advancing higher education, research, and collaborative initiatives. The signing ceremony was a powerful testament to the unity and determination of the SEA-EU community.

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