University of Split hosted SEA-EU Staff Week ”Mental Resilience in the academic environment“

From April 16 to April 18, 2024, the University of Split held SEA-EU staff week called Mental Resilience in the Academic Environment. The staff week was attended by representatives from the University of Gdansk, University of Malta, University of Brest and Kiel University.

The academic environment resonates with knowledge and know-how solutions, yet we experience each day that this is not always the case. Today’s challenges are intrinsically related to mental health so this staff week attempted to tackle certain aspects of mental well-being through various interesting lectures and workshops.

Through workshops, participants could explore how to reconcile work and personal time and also learn how to adopt small healthy habits that may enrich their life as well as workplace. They raised awareness on numerous elements that can cause stress like genetics, early experiences during infancy, personality, social circumstances and support, previous experiences and established coping patterns, education, nutrition and sleep. Sleep problems were particularly addressed by the vice-rector for internationalization prof. Zoran Đogaš.

The last day was marked by a lecture on the application of techniques for maintaining mental health, the importance of raising awareness about mental health among employees and students, and the need to provide stronger support from employers making mental resilience a standard in the working environment.

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